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DID Funny Moments!

Writer's picture: JenJen

This post will be a little different to all my others as it may make you giggle. I would like to share with you some of the funniest things that I experienced as someone living with DID. These moments will be both from before and after diagnosis so there should be something that each system can relate to. DID is in fact a disorder and isn't positive thing to be dealing with, this post was to simply take a step back from the severity of the condition and laugh at some of my past experiences. So lets get started!

*DID terminology will be used throughout these stories. If you don't understand some of it then you can check some of my previous posts for definitions. (I will link some helpful posts at the end)*

1. A Dinosaur?!?

One afternoon I was going home from spending the day shopping with my mum. At this point neither of us where aware of DID or knew that I had it. As she was driving me home I started to freak out as I thought I seen a guy taking his dinosaur out for a walk while some kids watched in awe. I was about 13-14 at the time so screaming about dinosaurs was not a normal thing to be doing. Mum was super confused and it then turned into a joke because I was certain that I saw a dinosaur. Looking back on this situation makes it funnier as I now understand that the dinosaur is a NPC in our system and is Henry's (a little) pet! The guy walking the dinosaur was Josh and the kids watching where Henry and Zoe. That is one of the funniest things that has happened to me pre-diagnosis.

2. Nail Art!

I went through a rather dark emo stage (still kinda in it but not as much haha), and I use to paint my nails black. Well when you are part of a system things aren't that easy. So I go about my day painting my nails as usual and then I can feel myself becoming really dissociated. I switch and only loose about five minutes but in that time my black nails have been painted over with beige sparkly polish. I was a little annoyed but I didn't really mind as nail polish is the least destructive thing the alters can do to the body...right? Nope. I switch again only to come back to false nails glued ON TOP of the two polish colours!!!!! I don't even wear false nails and I hate the smell of the glue! I thought to myself, 'its fine, i'll just wait til the false nails fall off and then remove the glue and polish with acetone'. AND.....switch again. Come back too with black on top of the false nails. Oh but what's that I hear...A LITTLE! Now the black has sparkles. It took 2 months to get back to the original black polish that I applied myself and because it was mixed with nail glue, that polish took another month to begin chipping. HIDE ALL NAIL POLISH FROM YOUR ALTERS BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!

3. Assignments gotta be done twice!

So when I was in grade 9 in school. I forgot to hand my science assignment in to he teacher. When I went to print it out my USB crashed and I lost the file! I had to start the whole assignment again and was super stressed about getting it done in time and didn't want to be in trouble. I did the whole assignment in one night and handed it in the next day only to be told I handed to assignment in weeks ago, got my mark back and the assignment I had handed in wasn't even done by me! Cassy (an alter), had done a whole separate assignment, handed it, and got a good grade! And here I was stressing out about not handing it in on time. Also her work looked so much better than mine hahaha.

4. Bubbles?

So when you have DID you will find a lot of wierd stuff around the house and in your bedroom. The littles have their own pencils, drawing paper, toys and other childish things. One day I was having a bad insomnia night and just laying in bed dissociating into space and then I switch out. I come back to and there are a few bottles of bubbles on my floor and I picked then up to put them on my shelf but I didn't get that far when Henry was positively triggered out. I was gone for about an hour and when I come back to front, THE BUBBLES WHERE SPILT ALL OVER MY BED SHEETS! It was about 2am and I now had to get up and change my bed sheet because it was all sticky and gross from the bubble mixture. At the time you can imagine how mad I was but now its kinda funny to look back on.

Okay guys I am going to leave this post here. If you want a part 2 to this then let me know over on my instagram (@diaryofapsycho1). For more information about DID or to find out what some of the terminology I used means check out these posts as the may help further you understanding of this disorder.

A-Z of DID:


Types of alters:

So, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will have another one up very soon so stay tuned for that. I love you guys so much and thank you for supporting me!

Jen xx

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