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New Alters (splitting off)

Writer's picture: JenJen

Dissociative identity disorder is a condition developed during childhood where multiple 'personality states' are developed to create amnesia that operates the child from trauma and trauma memories. Because of the mind being underdeveloped at the time of trauma it adapts to this new way of coping and this can continue on throughout adolescence and adulthood. As a result, someone who started with a system of 4 alters could end up having 500!

'Splitting off' is often the term used to describe when a new alter forms. A different part of the consciousness is separated by a new amnesic barrier, causing a new alter to be developed. This can occur when a new trauma occurs or any stressful situation that the mind can not handle. This could be something drastic and awful, or something 'small'. The point it that the mind couldn't cope with the current number of alters and needed another one to take on those trauma memories.

This can often be unexpected an very hard to deal with. You could see this as a sign of weakness, or that you aren't strong enough. THIS IS NOT THE CASE! Your mind is trying to protect you the only way it knows how. Your survival instincts have kicked in and this will only make you stronger.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can not develop alters once your mind is fully developed unless you developed them as a child and have DID or OSDD. Childhood trauma is needed in order for this condition to exist. A 22 year old can not 'get' DID. A 12 year old can not 'get' DID. A 50 year old can not 'get' DID. Nobody can 'get' DID past the age of 10 as that is the age that you mind integrates to form a single personality.

So, what can happen when a new alter or alters are formed? Symptoms of DID are basically guaranteed to get more intense and overwhelming. You may find yourself 'coming to' and being somewhere else. You may experience a lot more derealisation and depersonalisation. Things like memory loss, gaps in time, dissociation, somatic symptoms, anxiety, hallucinations, flashbacks and dizziness can become present or worse. This is because you mind and body are adjusting to the new conscious state and dealing with something traumatic.

It can be hard to tell if a new alter has been formed of if one has come out of dormancy. Dormancy in DID is when an alter from years ago resurfaces as they are needed again. Alters can go dormant at any point when they aren't needed anymore and can come back when something traumatic happens. Because this alter already existed at some point it is not the same as 'splitting off' but can be very similar. If you would like a post on dormancy in the future let me know :)

Just recently I have been having a very rough time and have had a new alter develop in my system. This hasn't happened for me in about 2 years and is quite strange for me to be experiencing again. I have had 9 alters for the longest time and to have someone new to get to know is quite daunting. I have found that my dissociation is increasing and im having a lot more difficulty keeping track time, with a lot more gaps in my memory. I don't know much about the new alter in the system but I can tell you what it is that I do know.

Her name is Rose and she is trapped inside a laptop for most of the time but can turn herself into a hologram when she needs to "do human things". She is completely pink (hair, skin, eyes, clothes) and when a hologram she is about 5'3" (the same as the body). I am pretty sure I know what caused her to develop but do not wish to discuss it as trauma isn't something you can just casually put out there for anyone to see.

When other alters have formed in the past, I have experienced very different things. For example when Izzy first developed I would pass out randomly and wake up somewhere else. But when Josh developed I would get weird bursts of frustration for no reason whatsoever. Everyones experiences with splitting will be different but all are completely valid and need to be respected.

If someone you know has recently split off or you are worried that they might have without knowing, then please make it known that you are there for them and their whole system. Make sure that they know that it is safe and that you can be there if they need someone to talk to or if the new alter needs someone to help them out. Not only is it going to be hard for the existing alters but it will also be rough on the alter that was developed as they won't know anyone and their first memories will be of trauma. Be respectful of all alters and make sure that you don't say or do anything that could be triggering. The last thing you want to do is make anything worse.

If you guys want more information on DID I will leave you some links to other posts that you may find useful:

I hope that you are having a wonderful day and keep smiling :)

Jen xx

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Diary of a Survivor, is a mental health and anxiety blog that shares a personal experience of what it is like living with mental disorders. 

Not written by a mental health professional. Written from the perspective of a client. 

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