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Self Care Ideas

Writer's picture: JenJen

Self care is an important part of recovery and healing. You need to understand that you are alive and like everything else, need to be cared for. Others around you can only do so much, you need to step up and look after yourself as if you where looking after another.

Take time to yourself.

Be "selfish".

Take a bath or shower.

Eat your favourite food.

Drink some tea or hot chocolate etc.

Call up a friend and ask to hang out.

Go for a walk.

Take some cool photos.

Binge a TV show.

Buy something that YOU want.

Practice something that you want to improve on.

Be productive to get rid of stress.

Play a video game.

Go outside and watch the clouds.

Read a novel.

Write something (novel, blog, facebook post, diary).

Meditate or do yoga.

Ask someone for help if you need it.

Do what YOU want.

Look in the mirror and say "I'm beautiful".

Play around with make-up.

Watch your favourite childhood movie.

Drink a lot of water.

Go to a local market.

Spend time in a library.

Take a nap.

Light some candles.

Start a bullet journal. (blog post coming soon about this)

Talk to that person that you want to.


Spend time with the person that makes you happiest.

Write down 3 things you are grateful for.

Blow some bubbles.

Reward yourself.


Dance around.

Draw a picture.

Listen to music really loud.

Think of all your accomplishments (no matter how small).

Play with your pets.

Clean up.

Take a moment to think.

And Breathe.

I use to struggle with doing any kind of self care as I felt that I didn't deserve anything. I got so down on myself and just made things more difficult. But now I have realised that by doing even one of these things everyday I get stronger and happier.

Because of looking after myself I go for a walk for at least 30mins everyday now; this is personally a huge improvement as I was always too anxious or down to even think about leaving my bedroom. Just doing small things can make a world of difference.

I hope you are smiling today,

Jen x

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