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Self Care Ideas (part 2)

Writer's picture: JenJen

Around this time last year I did a post about different things that you can do as self care. I feel that self care is one of the most important parts of recovery and I want to provide you with more things that you can do to help you relax and look after yourself. So here are 30 more ideas for self care that you could try out:

1. Explore your local area (if safe and comfortable)

2. Bake a cake or cookies

3. Try to make some fresh lemonade

4. get dressed up and dance like no one is watching

5. Try journaling (dream journal, bujo, gratitude)

6. Draw what is in your head

7. Go out and collect shells, rocks, sticks, or anything you can find.

8. Practice a hobby you have

9. Explore your spirituality or religious beliefs

10. Sit by a window and watch the world pass you

11. Allow yourself to zone out and just feel

12. Eat whatever you want to eat and enjoy every second of it

13. Take a day off if you can

14. Try to imagine the weirdest thing that you possible can and draw it

15. Pick 5 things to donate as you will feel so good after doing good

16. Write an email to someone you appreciate and let them know

17. Sign out of social media and turn off your phone for an hour

18. Go to the park

19. Make a milkshake or slushy

20. Have a mini spa day for yourself

21. Make a funny video on snapchat, Photo Booth, or any filter app

22. Make a tactile box or relaxation box (see linked posts for more information)

23. Listen to some music that calms you

24. Send a postcard (@thehappydispatch on instagram is a great service for this)

25. Use scented candles, incense sticks, oil burners or scented items for aroma therapy.

26. Make a tea or coffee you enjoy

27. Make a time capsule to come back to in 5-10 years time so you can reflect on how you have changed.

28. Pick some flowers for yourself

29. Try out some art therapy

30. Go op/charity/thrift shopping (its cheap and sustainable)

Self care is important and something that is necessary for everyone to do, regardless of mental illnesses or lack there of. We all need to look after ourselves because we are the only ones who understand what is going on in our head. Self care is not selfish! It is so important.

I will leave you with some links to other posts that you may find helpful:

Thank you so much for being here. You are incredible and brave.

Jen xx

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Diary of a Survivor, is a mental health and anxiety blog that shares a personal experience of what it is like living with mental disorders. 

Not written by a mental health professional. Written from the perspective of a client. 

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